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June 27, 2012

Top Reasons Why Your Business Should Be On Pinterest

[Website Blog Tip] PINTEREST offers new and innovative ways of connecting with readers and reaching a broader audience.

Still not convinced? Here are the TOP 5 Reasons Why Your Blog Should Be On Pinterest...

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

So much of blogging is built around text. Social networking through sites like Twitter and Facebook rely heavily on even more words. Pinterest is different. It allows you to express ideas and convey messages through images instead of written words. With the right picture, or stickers, it is possible to generate interest and share a message without ever saying a word. By building interesting Pinboards that are relevant to your blog, you can build a dedicated following before they ever even visit your website.

Link Building

An important aspect of getting any blog seen by a vast number of web users is link building. Whenever you pin something on Pinterest, a do-follow link is created that links to the source page of the image. Each time the image is repinned by another user, the link is preserved. The result is a lot of back links. One interesting pin can lead to thousands of back links if it is pinned or repinned by users with great enough reach.

Allowing Others to Promote Your Blog

One of the greatest things about Pinterest is that it allows users to promote whatever they love by simply sharing. When they stumble upon one of your pins, they can repin it for their followers to see. In addition, by adding “Pin It” buttons to your blog posts you can allow users to easily share their favorite posts. In many ways, this is much more effective than self-promotion. To protect your online reputation, it is good to allow others to pin your content rather than spamming Pinboards with all self-promotional material.

Building Relationships

Social networking is all about interacting with vast numbers of people. Pinterest provides not only an excellent platform for reaching existing followers but also for finding new people who are interested in your blog. When a user pins or repins content from your blog, it can be seen by everyone that follows that person or the Pinboard they put it on. This means that your image is being seen not only by the user’s friends but also by individuals who are interested specifically in the subject of your pin. When you create pins of other peoples’ work in categories that are relevant to your blog, you are also building relationships by providing your users with content they enjoy.

A Never Ending Source of Inspiration

Every blogger gets a case of writer’s block every once in a while. What better way to get some inspiration than by browsing Pinterest for images that spark ideas? When you pin your images, other users can comment. If you get several comments or repins on a specific image, take it as confirmation that it is a topic users are interested in, and get writing!

Also check out this great article: Step By Step Guide On How To Use Pinterest

Source Inspiredm.com

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May 9, 2012

How do you tag people on a Facebook page?

One of the main things that is quite frustrating with "Facebook Pages" is you cannot tag "people" in the initial post!  I'm not sure if Facebook did this on purpose, but it seems like a big oversight. 

Here is the best workaround I've found...

When you are using Facebook as a Fan Page, you CAN'T TAG people in a post on the page. Frustrating right? However, you CAN TAG "other pages" in a post or in a picture. Additionally, you CAN TAG people in a picture, but only "your friends".

What is really strange to me, is that you can tag a friend in a comment below the post, just not in the original post. However you must be logged in as a person - not a page. This is the best workaround I've been able to figure out.

 Click Image Above for Larger View

Just to be clear - I thought I'd further clarify: 

The best workaround is to first create your post without any tagging. Then immediately add a comment to your post with the tags. You can tag people in a post on a Facebook Page ONLY IF you're using Facebook as yourself and not as your Page.

Many people have the pages they own set to always post and comment as the page  -- instead of as them self. To change this, click on "Manage" then "Edit Page" located in the Admin Panel on the top right. Next, click on "Your Settings" in the left sidebar menu. This will show your posting preferences and your email notifications.

>> If always post and comment as your page name is checked, you can’t tag people in posts.
>> If you uncheck the box, then you CAN TAG people in the comment area of the original post.

Finally, don't forget to click on save changes.  

I tend to use the "Your Settings" feature often. Sometimes I have it checked, and sometimes I uncheck it depending on what the post I'm creating for that day is.

~Lisa Libutti, Social Media Specialist

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