How do you tag people on a Facebook page?
One of the main things that is quite frustrating with "Facebook Pages" is you cannot tag "people" in the initial post! I'm not sure if Facebook did this on purpose, but it seems like a big oversight.
Here is the best workaround I've found...
When you are using Facebook as a Fan Page, you CAN'T TAG people in a post on the page. Frustrating right? However, you CAN TAG "other pages" in a post or in a picture. Additionally, you CAN TAG people in a picture, but only "your friends".
What is really strange to me, is that you can tag a friend in a comment below the post, just not in the original post. However you must be logged in as a person - not a page. This is the best workaround I've been able to figure out.
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Just to be clear - I thought I'd further clarify:
The best workaround is to first create your post without any tagging. Then immediately add a comment to your post with the tags. You can tag people in a post on a Facebook Page ONLY IF you're using Facebook as yourself and not as your Page.Many people have the pages they own set to always post and comment as the page -- instead of as them self. To change this, click on "Manage" then "Edit Page" located in the Admin Panel on the top right. Next, click on "Your Settings" in the left sidebar menu. This will show your posting preferences and your email notifications.
>> If always post and comment as your page name is checked, you can’t tag people in posts.
>> If you uncheck the box, then you CAN TAG people in the comment area of the original post.
Finally, don't forget to click on save changes.
I tend to use the "Your Settings" feature often. Sometimes I have it checked, and sometimes I uncheck it depending on what the post I'm creating for that day is.
~Lisa Libutti, Social Media Specialist